Real Russian Dating Sites How To Spot One?

Have you decided to search for a Russian women for marriage? You are not alone as every year thousands of single men decide to have a go finding themselves a Russian women for marriage.
Despite the media being full of bad rap when it comes to Russian dating sites it is actually as easy as 1–2–3 to find one of the very few real Russian women dating sites out there and only takes a few minutes of your time.

How do you do that you may ask? Very easy but firstly it is very important to remember a very important point and that is Russia is just like every other country and has its fair share of not so beautiful women and over weight women, not every women in Russia is a slim beauty queen and not every women in Russia is under 35 and looking for marriage there are plenty of Russian women in their 50/60/70’s also looking for love online , so bearing this in mind here are a few pointers you should see on any real Russian dating site.
1 . Real Russian dating sites will always have a broad mix of women from all ages , you should see young 19 year old beauties mixed in with 60/70 year old Russian women. If your just seeing young beauties then it is a tell tell sign the site is a scam.
2. Real Russian dating sites will always have a broad mix of women when it comes to beauty you should see young and old beautiful women, women who are not so beautiful and women who probably very few men will be interested in. If every women is a stunning model then its time to leave.
3. Real Russian dating sites will always have a good mix of women of all sizes and shapes, you should see slim women, over weight women , short and tall women. If your just seeing slim super models again it is time to leave the site.
4. Photos as with any main stream dating site not every women wishes to upload her photos so you should see a mix of women with photos and without, some will have great photo sets others not so. Again if every women has a perfect set of photos then once again it is time to leave.
Finding one of the few real Russian dating sites out there is in fact very easy, just use some common sense and you will already find yourself in front of the crowd.
Good luck.


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