Will I get Scammed On A Russian Brides Dating Site?

Many Western men who are thinking about searching for a Russian bride to marry often ask the question "Will I get scammed "

This is a simple question to answer and it is NO providing you go about your searches in a realistic way, do that and you will never even come across a scammer.

You may of head of stories of older men marring young Russian women young enough to be their grand daughter, but let me tell you now, this does not happen and never does, many Russian brides dating sites will tell you it is easy to marry a young Russian bride, many will show you their success stories where young Russian brides have married older guys, let me tell you these are all fake stories made to make you part with your money.

The only guys who marry Russian women and there are many guys are the ones who are seeking a women in a realistic age group 10-15 years younger than them selves and attractive women NOT super models, these guys very seldom even come across any scammers and usually have a good online dating experience ,  these guys will seldom complain about their dating experience.

What you need to remember is that Russia has changed considerably over the last 20 years , 20 years ago if you was searching for a Russian bride for marriage then it was pretty easy, the Soviet Union had recently crashed and the economy was in a right state, today modern Russia is a totally different place and guys seeking Russian brides will have their work cut out for them, some are lucky and find a women within 12 months but on average you should expect too be searching for 2/3 years.

Good luck with your Russian brides.


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