How not to get scammed

Are you Looking to find a Russian bride?have you decided to jump on the Russian bride bandwagon and join thousands of other guys across the world? then you should read this article from an English guy who spent 4 years searching for his Russian love. In this article here you will find the most genuine advise on the internet to help you spot a possible scammer, and save yourself from loosing any money.
I met my girl online after four years of hard searching and being a member of many Russian dating sites. I want to give you some 100% Real Russian bride advise. I know every trick in the book as far as Russian brides are concerned, I have been there, and bought the t-shirt.
In this article I’m going to give you some real harsh advice, if you follow my recommendations you will not get scammed and will soon find a real Russian bride thousands of guys have all over the world and you can join them. .

So here are some simple tips.They may sound harsh but stick to them and you will be half way to finding your Russian bride.

1. You are in contact with a lady but when you ask for her number she says she has no phone and cannot afford one ,so you cannot call her: ANSWER FORGET HER! Everyone in Russia has a phone, in their house or a mobile.
2. If a Lady Suggests to meet you in another country? : ANSWER Unless she is paying for herself and has her own passport ect FORGET HER! She just wants you to send her some money you can be sure she will not turn up!
3. If you plan to meet in the ladies country, NEVER Ever let her find accommodation! You can be sure to be ripped off! It is better to be on the safeside and arrange it yourself on the internet it’s easy to do and you will be sure to get a good deal. You do not even have to be rude to the lady to start, just say you can find accommodation very easy, saves any complications
4. Sending money! I’m not even going to go there! DONT DO IT!!! DONT DO IT!!!
5. If you are there with your lady, keep away from all the shopping malls!(this may be hard) If you don’t go there you won’t be expected to buy anything! DID YOU GO THERE TO SHOP??
6. If your lady asks if her friend can join for the evening DO whatever you can to avoid this!! You will land up paying for two ladies, food, drink ect ect! And be sure if this is the trick that they are playing they will have you going to the most expensive places in the city.
7. Never let your lady arrange a taxi for you to meet you at the airport or anywhere, Often it will be a taxi driver she knows, they will over charge you and split the profits. You can plan all this yourself on the internet. So many girls work with a taxi driver and you can be sure to be ripped of
8. We all want to meet a sexy woman and like some sex talk, but in general any girl who talks about sex in the first few days FORGET HER! I met many who liked that sort of thing, but you can be sure when you meet her she will be cheap and playing the same game with other guys.
9. Never use a Russian dating agency where you have to pay to open letters! You will be wasting your time and money. Most letters will be fake.
10.Never let a girl see how much money you have, keep your credit cards hidden,
11. Remember the point of you flying to another country to meet a woman? You are there to meet a lady for possible romance you are NOT there to go shopping! Sure it’s nice to buy a small gift maybe some perfume at the airport, but PLEASE nothing else! Wait till you have known the lady for a few visits, if she is real she will not expect you to spend money on her.
12. If your ladies email address is not Russian, for example its hotmail or yahoo FORGET HER! Ok it may be legitimate some girls will use yahoo but probably not. Do any western guys use NO well that says it all.
13. Try not to travel too far! Krasnoyarsk is a long way to go and meet a girl, only to find she’s not as you expected? Keep local to the main cities like St Petersburg or Moscow although a lot of women in these cities may be spoiled there are some nice ladies in the suburbs or smaller close by cities...
14. Always try to take a few numbers from other girls just in case things don’t work out you will then be able to call one up and make some story up you got a last min flightJ
15. If a ladies profile says she like a generous man that will usually mean “I like a man to spend lots of money on me”
16. Never get blinded by a women’s beauty, Russian women are incredibly beautiful and know it so, some will play on this.
17. Always remember good women with self respect would never expect you to take her shopping as soon as you meet
18. If you are in another country to meet a lady and she doesn’t spend all her time with you for example she meets you at 3pm and wants to go home by 10pm FORGET HER!! Do you really expect to travel to another country for a few days just to spend a few hours with your lady? And what is she doing the rest of the time you are there?

If you follow the advice I have given you can be sure you will be a long way to meeting a real Russian bride. there are many beautiful women out there who are genuine and you can trust, but there are also many beautiful women who will fleece you before you have even started, many girls are serial daters just for gifts, holidays ect ect.But don’t let this put you offJ) Reading this article may be a little of putting, but it should not put you off searching for your dream women, just use your common sense and all will be fine.


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