A real Russian dating site

A real Russian dating site. Do they exist?

With the divorce rate on the increase in the USA and western and women becoming increasingly independent often placing their careers before family and husband, It is no surprise to know that many men have joined the Russian brides bandwagon. The media has often painted a black picture of Russian dating , sometimes with good reason, due to fake dating sites, Russian singles scammers, and guys losing money to Russian online scams. However there are thousands of serious minded beautiful Russian women looking for marriage on the internet, but light may finally be at the end of the tunnel, after English guy sets up his own Russian dating site, in the hope of offering finally a genuine site to meet Russian brides where you will not be ripped of by membership prices or scammers.

The reason many guys are scammed is due to their own stupidity and being very niev, as long as you remember NO good Russian lady would ever dream of asking any guy to send you will have no problems meeting your dream Russian bride. So if you have been thinking of Russian dating but have had some worries about being scammed or charged many dollars there is finally some hope out there.

www.email2femail.com has been set up by a Stefan Hendrick an English guy who after allot of searching, travelling extensively in Eastern Europe, and falling for a few scams on the way, finally after four years found his love in St Petersburg fell in love with mother Russia and decided to stay there.
You will find at email2femail.com , unlike most other Russian Brides sites there are no fees for opening letters or sending letters, all members have direct access to all the Russian brides in the database, personal email address and phone numbers for you to contact direct.

All contact is done direct by the member, no third parties to deal with. There are thousands of Beautiful Russian brides on the site for you to contact direct by email. Most Russian ladies speak good English so there is very little need for expensive translation services and most have their own internet access, so there is no reason to use those unscrupulous dating sites.
So check the site out, it’s completely free to add you profile and all members can ask for free advise on travel, accommodation ect should they plan to travel to meet a lady. All emails are answered within 12 hours, and if you’re ever in St Petersburg will be happy to meet for a beer!

Good luck with you searches.


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