Do young Russian brides really want to marry older men?

Do young Russian brides really want to marry older men?

It is very common in many countries with different cultures for younger women to be attracted to older, more adult men. You may receive many emails and chat requests from Russian brides who are much younger than yourself. Why is this and are they really serious?

Some Reasons Why Younger Women are Attracted to Older Men

Russian brides, like all women who are ready to settle down and start a family, search for a man who is not interested in going out to night clubs with his friends and having fun with the boys. They seek men who are mature, stable, and will give them the respect and attention they deserve. This is just the sort of characteristics older more mature men have, unlike many men in the 18-35 age group. Older mature men usually know what they want in like and will put more effort into a relationship, this is a big reason many Russian women preferer to date an older man.

Young Russian Brides are excited to make new contacts with foreign men.

Most young Russian women spend a lot of the day working or studying, so when they have some free time to search the internet for a partner, they will probably contact as many men as possible. Meeting new men from a different culture can be quiet exhilarating for them, and often they will not even think to look at a man’s age, it is easy for a Russian girl to become infatuated with a more mature and worldly , and at first probably will not stop to think what age difference will make to a successful marriage.

So is it really possible to marry a young Russian bride?

This is very hard to answer in a simple yes or no, because there are so many other factors involved. Russian women do tend to date, and in many cases, marry men who are 5 to 15 years older this is very common, and there are thousands of successful marriages like this all over the world. Some Russian girls may look very young, but they may feel and act more mature. A large age difference may work for some, but be absolutely ridiculous for others. Some men when they reach the age of 40 can act like a 65 year old, not want to do very much, some men at 65, can be still just like a young man, like to go out, have some fun, everyone is different.
But you can be sure that no Russian women is going to want to marry a man of 65 and immediately become his career. So a lot will depend on each person’s character as well as age.

If you and your Russian lady are both serious about marriage, have things in common, and feel a strong connection, then maybe age is really just a number. 

Good luck on your search for Russian brides.


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